AB Micro Holdings Limited

Is the most reputed and fastest growing independent distributor of Electronic Components for the leading manufacturers. We provide supply chain solution and help excess stock inventory liquidation for our customers in various industries.

International Presence
To carter needs of our customers around the globe we have offices in different countries like Singapore, China & Hong-Kong
Industries We Serve
Automobile components, Industrial Automation, Defense, Consumer Electronics, Solar, Equipment Manufacturing, Educational Lighting products, Electronic gadgets, Home appliances, Communication instruments, IT products
Excess Inventory
There has never been a better time to sell your unwanted electronic parts! We offer program to reduce your inventory and maximize your return. Send us your excess inventory list to info@abmicroholdings.com and our specialist will assist you.

DUN & Bradstreet

A DUNS number is a unique number used in identifying a business throughout the world.

Getting a DUNS means your business has been validated by DUN & Bradstreet, one of the top credit reporting agencies.

Our E-Commerce Partners

When a company has a Partners badge, it means they’ve been carefully vetted and meet our standards. It also means we consider them to be a trusted business partner in providing the kind of support you need to be successful.

Amazing stats

Get the very best of us by doing the best of you







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Thank you for contacting us. If you have any questions for us fell free to contact our dedicated customer service team. We will glad to assist you further